What's PCOS?
PCOS is also the place where it alters female hormones. The PCOS sufferer releases more than the normal levels of male hormones. This results in irregularly skipping menstrual cycles for months. It could also make it difficult to conceive.
PCOS women also suffer from similar issues, such as hair loss, growth, and diabetes. The PCOS hormonal levels also affect the ovaries and the cycle of ovulation, which causes cysts in the ovaries. The high levels of male androgen hormones and irregularities in the process of menstruation, and sometimes it's discovered that pouches filled with fluid grow inside the ovaries. There are also small cysts in the ovary, known as polycystic. It is estimated that 70% of females who aren't diagnosed with PCOS struggle daily. You could also regularly seek an online consultation with a gynaecologist to get the right direction for the hormonal imbalance.
The causes of PCOS
The precise causes of PCOS are not yet known even by medical professionals. However, the essential elements are as follows:
Hereditary: Many pieces of research reveal the connection between PCOS and hereditary genes;
In excess levels of androgens: the ovaries produce excessive androgen levels, which can cause an increase in hirsutism and acne;
Low levels of inflammation: The women who suffer from PCOS have low-grade inflammation encouraging the ovaries to produce large amounts of androgens creating blood vessels and heart issues;
Insulin resistance Pancreas makes a hormonal substance known as Insulin. Insulin's primary purpose is to enable cells to use sugar as the primary energy source for your body. When cells become intolerant to Insulin, the blood sugar increases, leading to increased insulin production. The high levels of Insulin increase the amount of androgen, which causes infertility among women.
Obesity, PCOS, and overweight are thought to go hand in hand. Therefore, one of the leading causes of PCOS could be excess weight.
Signs of PCOS
A lot of women experience signs of PCOS in the first period. Other women might be experiencing headaches, weight gain, issues with acne, irregular menstrual cycles or problems during pregnancy.
The most commonly reported indications that are a sign of PCOS are:
The bleeding may be heavy. You could have more frequent periods than expected because the uterine lining is beginning to build to prepare for a more prolonged period.
Irregular menstrual cycles:10-12 periods in a year are expected for a period, and the typical cycle of women ranges from 21 to forty days. However, women suffering from PCOS might have less than 10 menstrual cycles in a year.
Acne Menstrual hormones cause oily skin, which can cause acne or pimples to appear around the face, chest and upper back.
Loss of Weight: more than 80 per cent of women with PCOS are obese or overweight.
Hair growth: Over 80 per cent of women have hair growth issues on their face and body, including their front, back and belly. Excessive hair growth is known as hirsutism.
Headaches: Hormonal imbalance can cause headaches for many women.
Other signs include darker skin tone as well as baldness and hair reduction.
Risk Factors for PCOS
Various risks are associated with PCOS, which increase your chances of developing health problems in later life. The risk factors include:
Weight PCOS-related weight gain;
Depression, mood fluctuations You feel depressed and might experience mood swings regularly. PCOS problems affect confidence and self-esteem;
Type 2 diabetes is when the blood sugar concentrations get excessively high, resulting in type 2 diabetes.
Sleep Apnoea This is a condition in which you can experience interruptions in breathing during sleep;
HDL and blood pressure can cause heart strokes and heart disease
Metabolic Syndrome: many females experience significant weight growth throughout a single night, and PCOS, along with weight loss, influences the body in a way that raises cholesterol levels and blood pressure and is called a metabolic syndrome;
Infertility PCOS results in infertility among women since they don't cycle frequently and don't release eggs that must be fertilized.
In addition, it is also true that women who experience regular periods for several years (like 3-4 times per year) could be more likely to be diagnosed with endometrial cancer.
Therapy for PCOS
PCOS treatment varies depending on their specific needs, including acne and infertility. Weight growth, hirsutism, irregular menstrual cycles. The treatment could be either lifestyle or medication. The treatment is much simpler than the ability to talk with an online gynaecologist.
Changes in lifestyle
Doctors typically suggest weight loss through moderate exercises and yoga in conjunction with a diet low in calories. Even if you lose just 5 per cent of your total body weight, you will observe changes in your health. Weight loss can help boost fertility and improve your medication's efficacy. Therefore, even small changes to your lifestyle will aid you in managing PCOS.
Medical Information
For a regular menstrual cycle, your physician may suggest specific medicines like:
Progestin Therapy: Your doctor prescribes progestin medication to be taken every 10-14 days for at least two months to regulate your menstrual cycle. It also can protect you from the threat of endometrial cancer. This doesn't alter the levels of androgen or assist you in getting pregnant.
Birth Control PillsPills containing estrogen and progestin lower the amount of oestrogen produced and regulate the estrogen level. Birth control pills reduce the chance of getting cancer and reduce acne as well as excess hair growth and improve bleeding. You may also decide to wear a vaginal ring or skin patch that has estrogen and progestin both.
Lifestyle and Home Solutions
The most effective is to keep your health and fitness levels and to try some natural remedies, such as:
Active lifestyle: Exercise as it aids in decreasing the levels of blood sugar. Engage in activities that benefit in reducing the impact of PCOS and also help to prevent the condition of insulin resistance. Being active can help lose weight and protect from developing diabetes.
Maintain a healthy weight and maintain a healthy body: The loss of weight can be the most effective solution to the POCS issue as it aids in reducing the levels of androgens as well as insulin levels, and it can help in conception. Get an online consultation with a dietician or gynaecologist to discuss a weight loss program.
A low intake of carbohydrates: High carbohydrates and low fats can boost the levels of Insulin. Therefore, it is recommended to follow a diet low in carbs, and this can raise the level of blood sugar in a gradual manner.
