A balanced diet is an important aspect of maintaining eye health. Diets heavy in leafy green vegetables and fatty fish have been demonstrated to help healthy eyes and vision in studies. However, eating the correct meals might be difficult at times, especially in Alaska, where lengthy winters make fresh, healthy foods scarce. Many people use supplements to gain the nutrients they don't get from their diet alone. We'll talk about which nutrients are best for your eyes and whether supplements are a good way to receive them in this blog.
Vitamins And Minerals
According to the American Optometric Association (AOA), diets strong in vitamins A, C, D, and E, as well as zinc, may lower the incidence of certain eye illnesses such as AMD and cataracts. The following foods contain one or more of these nutrients:
Kale and spinach are examples of leafy greens.
Salmon, tuna, and other fatty cold-water fish
Full-fat milk
Liver from beef and chicken
Sweet potatoes and carrots
Citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons
Nuts \sAvocados
Lentils with beans
Furthermore, studies suggest that a diet rich in the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin may lower the risk of AMD. Carotenoids, which are found in high concentrations in the macula, are antioxidants that are thought to absorb up to 90% of blue light, protecting the eye from harm. Foods like spinach, kale, peas, corn, and egg yolks contain them.
Eye Vitamins
There are several nutrients specifically formulated for eye health on the market. AREDS or AREDS II, which have been tested in clinical trials supported by the National Eye Institute, is a regularly prescribed eye vitamin. In patients with AMD, these supplements were demonstrated to reduce the probability of progression from intermediate to advanced AMD by roughly 25%. They haven't been proven to prevent AMD.
Other eye vitamins may also be effective. Popular brands include Bausch and Lomb Ocuvite and Systane I-Caps. These formulae may contain supplements comparable to AREDS, but they have not been studied in the same type of clinical research and have not been confirmed to achieve the same outcomes.

Eye vitamins are normally highly safe, however they may not be appropriate for everyone. People who smoke or used to smoke should exercise extra caution when selecting an eye health supplement because some products contain beta carotene, which raises the risk of lung cancer in these persons. Anyone thinking about including an eye vitamin in their diet should consult their doctor to see if these vitamins are appropriate.
Individual Nutrient Supplements
If you consume a healthy diet, you may be obtaining the majority of the nutrients you require for good eye health from your diet alone. Even the healthiest eaters, though, may be insufficient. In Alaska, where our northern latitude exposes us to less sunlight than people at lower latitudes, vitamin D insufficiency is frequent. Talking to your doctor is the best approach to find out if you are lacking in Vitamin D or other nutrients. They may do tests to establish your vitamin levels and propose an appropriate supplement and dosage. Too much of a supplement can be dangerous, and some supplements may mix with prescriptions, so consult your doctor before adding supplements to your diet.

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